User Research, High-Def Wireframes, Visual Design, Front end code development 

How Can we Help ?

Value Addition

An engaging platform with 95+% employee participation 

System provides valuable insights to the management through inbuilt analytics  

Special recognition by the board


Brydeas redesigned  an employee self-service portal that will give employee quick overview of their benefits, pay, time off, and easy access to detailed information as needed. The challenge was to design a system to reduce redundancies and streamline the approval process for information edits and requests from employees.

Consolidation of information into one user-friendly dashbaord with easy entry points to drill down for details made it very efficient for the employees as they spent less time looking for the information they needed. We also developed approval workflow triggers and reminders to employees to complete the requested tasks within the specific time frame. We understand the importance of having real data in real time for any decisionmaking which is why providing contextual information and trigger points were key to the design framework.
This custom designed ESS solution helped significantly reduce admin time for HR team and freed up time for more strategic pursuits. Also, it helped standardize processes around workflows, reduced errors and enhanced reporting capabilities.

Brydeas engaged with one of the leading banks in North America to design a new sales dashboard that aggregates net revenues across three LOBs along with net performance numbers for key associates. Bank was using a broken process and a combination of an access database along with excel sheet metric charts to perform sales analysis  and comparison. Brydeas put together an easy to use smart dashboard that clearly indicates the performance by region and LOBs.  

Human Resources, Finance 

Let's talk about your digital projects and User Experience needs


Employee Self Service

Employee Engagement​​

User Research, High-Def Wireframes, Visual Design

Brydeas worked with a leading global retail company to design an employee engagement

and networking portal to enable employees with the necessary resources to collaborate and grow participating in self learning and social activities. Initial phase included research on how employees preferred to engage and grow. It was critical that we kept company's vision on the focal point and generating excitement for employees to engage in extra curricular activities. 

The new system brought employees together around events, group discussions, learning opportunities making it a very engaging and rewarding environment which was widely accepted with 95+% participation

Sales Dashboard 

& Networking

Human Resources, Retail

Value Addition

Reduced calls to the HR support desk by around 42%

