Seamless Healthcare
Sales Dashboard
As-Is Process Evaluation, User Research, Task Analysis, Contextual Inquiry,
High-Def Wireframes, Visual Design
How Can we Help ?
Brydeas engaged with one of the leading banks in North America to design a new sales dashboard that aggregates net revenues across three LOBs along with net performance numbers for key associates. Bank was using a broken process and a combination of an access database along with excel sheet metric charts to perform sales analysis and comparison. Brydeas put together an easy to use smart dashboard that clearly indicates the performance by region and LOBs.
Healthcare, Patient Care System
Let's talk about your digital projects and User Experience needs.
Value Addition
Advanced analytics to monitor patient health trends
Alert mechanism to highlight items requiring critical attention
Predictive Analysis for doctors before patient visit
Brydeas collaborated with a leading university in North America to design a dedicated health information portal that helps patients and doctors to manage healthcare and patient data around general health, patient visits, diagnostics, prescriptions and billing. The portal provides simple tools and infographics to give clear idea about the current health information
and trend over a given period of time. The portal helps patients track their appointments online, review clinical results with a tap of a button, compare health trends, ability to communicate with the doctors and healthcare providers, obtain a shareable copy of their health records and much more.
The portal provides easy access to information to both doctors and patients on the go.
Brydeas was involved early on building intelligence and understanding on how patients expect to interact with their healthcare providers and doctors through deep research. We explored numerous scenarios and put together pieces to address a typical user journey for various user profiles. The portal leverages advanced analytics and a simple, elegant, touch device friendly design which works seamlessly on any device. Portal features an alert mechanism that helps patients as well as doctors to stay connected with each other during critical junctures . System alerts and informs the users about upcoming events and urgent situations that might need their attention.