

Sales Dashboards, Investment Banking

Brydeas partnered with a leading financial organization to design a feature packed

portal to help their personal client advisors, portfolio managers who deal with the

sale and maintenance of specialty assets like Farmland, Timberland, Oil & Gas,

Real Estate, to perform their daily tasks more efficiently. PCAs required ability to

monitor maintenance of assets in real time and Brydeas designed a fully mobile

compatible system that works equally effectively on touch screen devices like

surface books. Approval workflows were to be designed to effectively channel

the work effort depending on the investment size. Project involved redesigning a

ten year old application built on .net framework and add features that facilitate

property inspections onsite without online connectivity.

Brydeas engaged with one of the leading banks in North America to design a new sales dashboard that aggregates net revenues across three LOBs along with net performance numbers for key associates. Bank was using a broken process and a combination of an access database along with excel sheet metric charts to perform sales analysis  and comparison. Brydeas put together an easy to use smart dashboard that clearly indicates the performance by region and LOBs.  

As-Is Process Evaluation, User Research, Task Analysis, Contextual Inquiry, High-Def Wireframes, Visual Design,  Front end Code

Sales Dashboard 

Banking on

Finance , High-net Private Wealth Management 

Brydeas engaged with one of the leading banks in North America to design a new sales dashboard that aggregates net revenues across three LOBs along with net performance numbers for key associates. Bank was using a broken process and a combination of an access database along with excel sheet metric charts to perform sales analysis  and comparison. Brydeas put together an easy to use smart dashboard that clearly indicates the performance by region and LOBs.  

Mobility Strategy, User Research, Mobility Strategy, Application redesign, Data Analytics
Rapid Prototyping, Usability Testing

Mobility Strategy, User Research, Task Analysis, Information Architecture, Navigation Model,

High-Def Wireframes, Visual Design,  Front end Code

Let's talk about your digital projects and User Experience needs.

Value Addition

Ability to record key data, photos onsite during inspections without network connectivity
Improved workflows saved time to complete Asset maintenance. Up to 4 days faster
Improved overall efficiency, ease of use, User delight

Finance , Private Wealth Management  

Value Addition

Associates are no more required to run reports for data which saved them a lot of time

No manual effort to derive analytics from data. Again, saves a lot of time

Information available with one tap, heavy use of info-graphics

Improved ROI, improved productivity

Relationship Management  

Value Addition

Consolidated processes around client relationship maintenance

A single solution that works seamlessly on desktop and mobile
Advanced capabilities available to PCAs on the go
100% adoption within a month of launch

Highly Efficient 

How Can we Help ?

Made Easy

Asset Management 

This product was a result of two initiatives driven by the management aiming at
combining the power of mobility and a consolidated information portal at the
client relationship level. The portal utilized client data owned by legacy systems and
converted into a single platform which is available to the PCAs on the go via iPADs.
This required designing an integrated solution that works seamlessly on desktop as well as
mobile devices like iPAD and touch screen windows laptops. A thorough research on how
PCAs work and utilize information on the go was critical to the success of the project. Platform offers digital capabilities without access to the web. Project required collaboration with the Investment management and private wealth management senior leaders to define the scope and critical functions.

Advanced Analytics