Value Addition

Saved more than $ 2 Million from projected budget for 2018

Roughly  cut time spent per week by 10 hours 

Replaced legacy processes and applications with new touch devices friendly apps, scalable to desktop 

How Can we Help ?


Let's talk about your digital projects and User Experience needs.

Brydeas engaged with one of the leading banks in North America to design a new sales dashboard that aggregates net revenues across three LOBs along with net performance numbers for key associates. Bank was using a broken process and a combination of an access database along with excel sheet metric charts to perform sales analysis  and comparison. Brydeas put together an easy to use smart dashboard that clearly indicates the performance by region and LOBs.  

Sales Dashboard 

Performance Analytics 

Digital Strategy, UX Evaluation, Process Rewrite,

High-Def Wireframes, Visual Design and Artifacts

Brydeas engaged with a leading consumer goods brand to redesign their analytics platform.

The requirement was to merge four different applications to create a single portal that enables managers to plan product distribution and track performance for key SKUs across multiple categories.

Since the managers are always on the move, a mobile version of the dashboard was highly desired.

The challenge involved consolidating business processes and merging multiple stages in product maintenance and planning. SKU matchmaking with initiatives was also an important part of designing this solution.

Brydeas initial research brought in key insights which received a great response from the business partners. The final product simplified the process and introduced high touch user experience which has saved the client a lot of time and effort around planning and initiative management. We are now in talks to expand the product with more features.

Consumer Goods, Product Management 
